On Chip Tech

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On Chip Tech looks into providing licenses for individuals to verified and make their profiles stronger. They currently provide licenses for guards and security personnel and looking to expand their domain. We aided them in helping make their ideas into business assets.

Our Journey Together

On Chip Tech’s idea to bring medical assistance available at just a click away through effective and reliable screening process was innovative. Their medical services were extensive and provided professional consultation worldwide. Authenticating both patients and doctors was necessary as well as allowing both parties to create digital profiles on the website to keep record of the web users. On Chip Tech’s team required a complete website with cloud compatible services to best reach its goals to provide trusted medical services. A CMS was integrated to the website to allow database management of their doctors and clients.


Estheticon required a secure and completely operational website with a database tool integrated to the website. Their team came in coordination with us to explain their idea and how they vision their idea’s look in the best result possible. Their interest in getting an elegant website that represents their organization encouraged us to give our best.


After an in-depth session with Estheticon’s team, we came forward with beneficial strategies that fulfill their needs in a professional manner. We carried the discussion to have mutual agreement on the terms and conditions as well as the timeline of the project. The proposal we presented to Estheticon was agreed upon and we began our work as soon as possible.


Our designers began to create a color palette related to the medical industry to a leave an impression on the users. Pages were designed for each respective medical service and layout of the complete website was made to have a soothing theme. The doctor and patient data entry for the database was designed to give satisfactory user experience.


After the layout of the website was designed, our developers began to construct the website from scratch. Using modern technologies, they enable tools and techniques that produced a wonderful result. Integrating the CMS to the website effectively and debugging the entire website was done, the total duration to complete this project and deliver it to Estheticon’s team took about 3 months.